Month long gaps are probably just going to be a thing with this blog. Sometimes I have no interest in playing the games, and other times I don't have any interest in documenting a world. The last hiatus was for a slightly different reason though, Stinger Norns! I've been planning and slowly working on a new version of them for ages now. I had sort of hoped to get them done by their second anniversary, but that isn't very likely.
And by a new version, I mean a completely new version. The old Anai genome, which I actually converted Gizmo myself, is being dropped for a tweaked version of Kezune's CFE Gizmos. Plus they, and the Rikori, are getting some of the CFF genes. Add in a few weird edits of my own, like a new lifespan and stimuli, and they are going to take a while. Not that I'm complaining though. I've sort of re-found my love for Norn genetics... just not for actually playing the game... or testing things. I still hate the testing phase.
I might start uploading some of the results of my experiments, or some other things I've been writing soon though. Maybe.