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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Yet another update

I don't have a nurture post today. I've been feeling terrible since this weekend and haven't gotten around to playing the nurture world yet. Even before that I was absorbed in some Caos coding and didn't play in the world. There's also been an update to the OLS ark, one that fixes the shivering. So I also need to create a new world for the norns. I might have something on Friday, but don't count on it. Instead of a nurture post, here's an update on some projects.

Look away, it's a spoiler!
Firstly, the new version of the Stinger Norns is done... well I'm done working on them. My interest in them has been nonexistent for a while. The base genomes haven been done for months, but work on the sub-breeds has been slow. I even thought it was my interest in genetics as a whole that was gone. Turns out that isn't the case, it's just the Stinger Norns. So they'll be release around their fourth anniversary sometime in late July. I do have something, hopefully, interesting planned for their anniversary. I won't be saying more then that because spoilers.

Secondly, the caos projects. The Simpler Hoverdoc/Hoverdoc Lite is almost finished. The main part of it is done but I keep finding things I want to change. Another caos project of mine is a monogamy script I wrote for a user on Creatures Caves. It's in a pretty stable state at the moment. I have a few ideas on improvements to it. So it'll likely have one last update to it before I upload it on CCaves. Lastly, there's two agents from last year I'm finally getting around to finishing. I'm not spoiling what they are. There's also a mystery agent but, guess what, I'm not spoiling it.

Lastly, the blog is likely going to be updated randomly once the current nurture world is over. Instead of the regular Wednesday posts, it will be updated whenever I have something to post. The main reason is that I don't have a blog world setup yet. I'm also getting tired of writing about DS. So what ever world I end up writing about won't be a DS world. There's a few interesting C3 agents that I've never tried out. Maybe it's finally time to give C3 standalone a try.

1 comment:

  1. Wooo, a simpler hoverdoc? Looking forward to see that! :D
